- "The evening was amazing! A complete success. Everyone was in such high spirits which made the evening that much more enjoyable! Great food with a well thought out menu. The tables and food were so elegantly presented!"
- "It was awesome! The food was wonderful, and the games and songs create a fun atmosphere. Everyone was happy, and I got to know my fellow Hillel members more closely after Shabbat 180."
- "It was nice seeing so many Jewish people in one spot.....we didn't realize we had this many Jewish neighbors!!"
- "Amazing positive experience. One of the most impressive "Jewish" experiences in 30 years here. Made me feel proud to be Jewish."
- "The dinner was amazing - arguably the best Shabbat dinner I have had, and certainly the biggest. Everyone was in a peaceful yet happy mood, too. It was a blessing to give thanks with others."
- "It was so fabulous. The food was unbelievable! I was absolutely in heaven! And I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful experience.
I love the Yiddishkite, the bruchas, the singing, and I can't stop thinking about this food. Everything was amazing."
- "Such happiness ..new friends, wonderful food, song, fun, learning. I felt both honored to attend and proud to be Jewish.."
- "Wish we could do this every week!!!!!